Dalplex Waiver

Applicable to: Junior Elite Gold Junior Atlantic Silver Junior Provincial Competitive Development Bronze

If you will be dropping off your swimmer at Dalplex without entering the building with them, then please read and acknowledge:



Halifax Trojan Aquatic Club MEMBERS UNDER 12 YEARS OF AGE

I/We (the undersigned), understand and acknowledge that there are inherent personal risks that our child(ren), (listed below) may encounter when entering, leaving, utilizing, or moving about Dalplex unaccompanied by an adult.

I/We accept and assume all responsibility for my/our child(ren) while they are in Dalplex, without supervision and we request a waiver of the normal Dalplex requirement for children under twelve years of age that the child must be accompanied by a parent, adult, or guardian at all times.

I/We agree to indemnify and hold harmless Daplex, Athletics and Recreation Services Staff and Dalhousie University, its directors and officers, employees, and agents from any injury or damage of any kind suffered by my/our child(ren) noted below and/or by us or anyone else from any cause whatsoever including, but not limited to, abduction, inappropriate approaches by any person, or any other events my/our child(ren) may encounter while entering, leaving, utilizing, or moving about Dalplex without supervision.

Please review the Dalplex Facilities Regulations prior to acknowledging the waiver