Media Release

Applicable to: Junior Elite Elite-9 Elite-8 Gold Junior Atlantic Elite-7 Silver Junior Provincial Senior Atlantic Competitive Development Bronze Senior Provincial Affiliated swimmers

HTAC Media Release

I grant permission to the Halifax Trojan Aquatic Club to use the following information in any media (including but not limited to: print, website, video, promotional material, etc.) and territory, without compensation or other liability to me, in perpetuity for the registered swimmer.

  • Any photo and video images of me (or my registered swimmer)
  • Any comments made by me in writing or otherwise 
  • Any images submitted by me
  • Any information collected from me for research/statistical purposes

I, together with my heirs, executors and assigns, hereby release and discharge the Halifax Trojan Aquatic Club, its executive board, employees, and licensees from any claim or action that I may have at any time with respect to the use of any of the above or my participation in any Halifax Trojan Aquatic Club activities. I acknowledge that I will not receive any financial remuneration for any of the above and that my compensation is the opportunity to contribute to the activities of the Halifax Trojan Aquatic Club. I have read this agreement and by submitting this form, I am stating that I understand and accept the terms.

I AGREE TO TERMS - I grant permission to to HTAC to use media related to my swimmer as described above. 

I DECLINE TERMS - I do NOT grant consent to HTAC to use media related to my swimmer as described above.